Monday, January 14, 2013

KK & Salt Dough


This post is really late since I haven't created anything particularly nice to look at recently :P , and is based around Kris Kringle traditions with friends. Seeing as VJV (currently our one and only - and hence much beloved ♥ - follower) was the recipient of this year's gift, there probably isn't much need to explain. But alas, I shall explain regardless - to avoid a poor, unfortunate soul stumbling by this post and becoming befuddled. :)

So... for the past two years my friends and I have made each other handmade Kris Kringle gifts :D (wow. that explanation was a lot shorter than my rambling...)

This was the gift I painted for Xmas 2011...

Matt Bomer (aka Neal Caffrey from White Collar)
in watercolour and pen

Leo & Erma

And these were for 2012...

They were made with salt dough, covered in white primer (because some of them got a little fried in the microwave), painted with watercolours, then sprayed with fixative and hairspray.

...with some Xmas decorations (and Kingsley)
Obviously a primed surface + watercolour paint wasn't the best idea... but I liked the slightly faded look when I test tried it.  I thought (hoped) the fixative and hairspray would help to stop the colour from rubbing off so easily with water, but it didn't really... it just made them a little sticky and hairspray scented. :/ So if anyone plans on trying this (i.e. note to self) - I imagine some sort of spray gloss/varnish would be much more appropriate. Or don't use primer... just avoid frying your stuff in the microwave :P

Finally, here's the lil elephant that I decided to keep for myself.

...and another pic with my hand for scale

           Because he was too cute not to. :)

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