Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How we love (Ingrid Michaelson cover)

Doodle of the Day #3/Late night sketch

This was (very, very loosely) based on a photo of Holly. She wouldn't stop moving, so it's sorely lacking in detail cos the photo's fuzzy... that and it's late, and I can't be bothered cleaning my erasers... o.O

Monday, January 21, 2013



This is Himpo the tortoise. Me and Kim made him at Palm Beach yesterday. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Doodle of the Day #2

Drawings & '11 + '12 favourites.

 Hiya! ^.^
 Here are drawings I did 2 days ago.

These are my favourite drawings from 2011. They're not coloured in because I was lazy... I still am though... 

You should read or watch naruto!!! It's epic!! :)

These are my 2012 favourites. As you can see, there are still no coloured drawings. :D

This is Kon (bleach)

This is Azusa (k-on)

Monday, January 14, 2013

KK & Salt Dough


This post is really late since I haven't created anything particularly nice to look at recently :P , and is based around Kris Kringle traditions with friends. Seeing as VJV (currently our one and only - and hence much beloved ♥ - follower) was the recipient of this year's gift, there probably isn't much need to explain. But alas, I shall explain regardless - to avoid a poor, unfortunate soul stumbling by this post and becoming befuddled. :)

So... for the past two years my friends and I have made each other handmade Kris Kringle gifts :D (wow. that explanation was a lot shorter than my rambling...)

This was the gift I painted for Xmas 2011...

Matt Bomer (aka Neal Caffrey from White Collar)
in watercolour and pen

Leo & Erma

And these were for 2012...

They were made with salt dough, covered in white primer (because some of them got a little fried in the microwave), painted with watercolours, then sprayed with fixative and hairspray.

...with some Xmas decorations (and Kingsley)
Obviously a primed surface + watercolour paint wasn't the best idea... but I liked the slightly faded look when I test tried it.  I thought (hoped) the fixative and hairspray would help to stop the colour from rubbing off so easily with water, but it didn't really... it just made them a little sticky and hairspray scented. :/ So if anyone plans on trying this (i.e. note to self) - I imagine some sort of spray gloss/varnish would be much more appropriate. Or don't use primer... just avoid frying your stuff in the microwave :P

Finally, here's the lil elephant that I decided to keep for myself.

...and another pic with my hand for scale

           Because he was too cute not to. :)

Friday, January 4, 2013


This blog shall be a collection of our stuff - that is - Holly & Kim. Drawings and videos, most likely. Just because.

...And that's pretty much it. :)