Thursday, January 23, 2014

Here Anjo XD

Tadah! :D I drew Dende (one of her favourite DBZ characters) for Anjo last night ^^

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

AHAHAH ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

Ok, so you will probably be very disturbed at why I even drew this and will be thinking about how weird my sense of humour is. I've been drawing all day and have decided to stop at this. It's hilarious XD

← That was derived from drawing this

Pretty ridiculous right? ^^ His shoes are really stuffed up because I couldn't contain my laughter. 

Doodle of the Day #30

Here ya go Kim ^^
Ignore the guidelines, I end up rubbing out my whole picture if I attempt to erase them :(