Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Doodle of the Day #20

Tadah! :) Goku's riding Kintoun! I've started re-reading Dragon Ball and Anjo is the ultimate fan. So this drawing is for Anjo, Goku's her favourite character, and make sure to check out her blog - Guitar Hearts ♥.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Doodle of the Day #19

HUZZAH!~ At school on Friday I did my maths yearly, a music assessment and a Japanese test. Yesterday I did my Grade 6 Piano exam! X) I have now got more time to draw and upload things to this blog! ^o^ It's possible though that i'll still be uploading nothing much and that's because sadly, i'm a lazy person. So here is a quick doodle of my happiness of the completion of my exam =D

Thursday, October 10, 2013


BWAHAHAHA. IT'S APPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (from Avatar the Last Airbender) Yip yip! :)