Monday, September 30, 2013

More cards! :D

Soo... two of my awesome friends' birthdays are at this time of year and here are cards I've made them but the images are of bad quality yet again -_-

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Colour Run :)

Me, kim and kim's friends did the colour run XD It was so epic! I don't really have pictures so these are from kim's phone and because it was kim's phone there aren't many photos of her :( But anyway here are some -
Keheheh. I'm Aang XD
Kim slapped my cheek as you can see.


Anjo's b'day card :)

So here are pictures of a birthday card I made my epic friend Anjo :) Yes, it rhymes with banjo. She also has a blog and it's called Guitar Hearts. Anyway, here it is :D If you're wondering if that's the message, no it's not. The actual message is in another part of the card and it has messages from other friends so you do not have to see a picture of that. Yes, she loves moustaches. Hope you like it even though it's not a pop-up card! XD

Yes, it says moustache man.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My deformed strawberries =3

I LOVE strawberries!!!!!!!!!! XD So, today I had some awesome deformed strawberries ^o^
So from the top, the strawberry looks normal -