Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ellooooo~ :)

Eyyyyyyyyy! Thanks for keeping up with this blog (yes, there's totally people who do ;)) If you've been wondering why it's kinda been dead it's cause kim's been posting on her tumblr for a while now - and I recently made one as well - So yeah! Check them out if you want! XD

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Adventure time pop-up card ^O^


The card was inspired by this (so you could make your own if you wanted to) but I hand-drew everything and changed a bit of the design XD

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pop up Nyan cat!!!~ (∩_∩)

Here's the first pop up i've ever made without instructions or a template! :D I think? ;P The front's a party hat btw - no one gets it T^T

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Doodle of the Day #40

It's Mikasa!!!~ ^_^ Yep... her body's kinda small... but I reckon she still looks cool XD

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Doodle of the Day #39

 Heheheh XD It's Kuroko!!! ^o^ This is for a PE title page so it's a double kill~ =D